Put Me In, Coach!

Verse of the Day:  ” Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. ” ~ 1 Corinthians 9:24 (NIV)


Guess what?!

I made the team!

And you can, too!

No try-outs required. No drawn out application process. No age restrictions. No educational requirements. No uniform policy or special equipment needed.

There are, however, a few characteristics that are beneficial to your success on the team. You can find a list of these qualities below, but don’t worry if you don’t possess them all right now or if they are currently below optimal performance level. There will be workshops and extra practices for those who need it.

1. Trust. You must trust in yourself and your abilities. Most importantly, you must be able to trust your coach – God. He has chosen you for this team for a reason. He has placed you in your chosen position for a reason and for a season. Trust that when He is keeping you in the game that you still have what it takes to complete the task. And when He is pulling you out of the game to warm the bench on the sideline, trust that He puts you where He needs you for that moment. It may not be that you have messed up. It just may be someone else’s time to play.

2. Self-motivation. Just like every player before you, you must take responsibility for your own participation on this team. Your pastor, your best friend, spouse, nor God is going to force you to read the play book (the Bible), get up early, go to bed late, miss your favorite television show, or show up to the game on time. It is your responsibility to do the necessary work to be the best that you can be. It is up to you to decide what is more important.

3. Resilience.  I’m not going to lie and tell you that all of our wins are going to be easy. There are going to be some hard times. You are going to get hit. From multiple directions. Sometimes all at once. You will be pushed, knocked down, kicked, and stomped on. It’s okay to take a brief time-out if you need it. Just keep your eye on the prize, brush off the muck and mire, block out the pain, and get your mind, body, and soul back in the game.

4. Flexibility.  Sometimes God needs you to switch positions with another teammate. You must be willing to play other positions other than the one He originally assigns to you. You may start off as the quarterback, but there may come a time that He needs you to be the water boy. Sometimes He may need you to be both. Be willing to accept the position He places you in, regardless of your ability to do much more or the ability to do it better than someone else.

5. Endurance. The season is a very long one… a lifetime to be exact. Every day. All day. At first, you may tire easily. There will be times that you want to quit. People who make you want to throw up your hands and walk away. Opposing teams that tell you that you will never make it –  that you aren’t good enough.  But with proper training (prayer, Bible reading, obedience, faith), you will overcome. And God will lead you to victory!


Search Your Heart

Are you ready for the big game? Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Am I training regularly?
  • Do I trust God and what He says I can do through Jesus Christ?
  • Am I easily distracted by events or other people in my life? Do I allow them to take my focus off of Christ?
  • Do I learn from my mistakes and refocus on the task at hand?
  • Where do I need to make improvements?


Today’s Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father, I want You to use me on Your team where You see fit. I accept that the position You give me may not be the one I want, but I trust You and Your infinite wisdom. Help me keep my eyes on You, especially when I feel like giving up. In Jesus’ precious name I pray. Amen.

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